2022 Update


Courtney Marama Jewellery

Updates for 2022

Kia ora,
I want to give you a small rundown of what will be happening in the world of jewellery for me this year because it will be slightly different to normal, so please bear with me.

BESPOKE ORDERS 2022 + 2023
As I'm sure you are aware, my bespoke orders for this year, 2022 are fully booked.  As for 2023, I am not taking any bookings and I am also not taking a waiting list. I prefer to work year by year and not feel too overwhelmed with work booked years ahead. So I will always let you know here first, when I do open applications again for bespoke orders.  On that note...

Yes, I am hapu with my second baby and am due at the end of July so I will be heading on maternity leave mid July.  I will be on leave for anywhere from 6 months - 1 year.  Having my studio at home, my partner also working from home (we have a pretty balanced work + shared parent role so it makes it that much easier to juggle) and a love for my creativity I know I will want to potter in my studio at some stage but I am not putting a date on it until I am ready to commit to it.  So that will be something for 2023.

I do plan to have a couple of updates on my online store before I go on maternity leave and depending on how things go maybe some while I am also on maternity leave, so I won't leave you hanging for too long.  But of course there will be very limited numbers.
Some jewels I am aiming to have in the updates are:
- Roimata Earrings + Pendants
- Tapatoru/Triangle Rings and Pendants
- Ceremonial Rings
I am not quite sure when these updates will happen just yet, but this is always the best place to be the first to know.

Also, one last thing. There has been some scamming going around lately and both mine and my partners (Johnathan Percy Stone Art) facebook pages have been targeted. I don't actually use my facebook business page anymore but I haven't deleted it, anywho. They have made fake pages, to look EXACTLY like our pages, have posted our images to make it look legit. And for Johnathan they have started to send people notifications saying they have won some earrings and are requesting peoples bank details. With my fake page, they haven't started requesting peoples bank details yet but facebook are proving to be very unhelpful. So I just want you to please be aware and don't accept any 'friend requests' from a page that looks like mine. If you do come across it, please report it.

I hope you have all had a lovely start to 2022, I can't quite believe its the end of February already but I can tell you I am so ready for a change of season and some cooler days ahead. 
As always, thank you for your continued support.

Ngā mihi nui,
Courtney Marama


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