Roimata Release 2024

Roimata Release Details

Roimata Release Coming Soon

Kia ora,

If you follow my instagram stories you would have seen I have been working on a small collection of Roimata pendants and earrings over the past couple of weeks.

My first Roimata collection for this year, 2024 and most likely my last for 2024.
In between bespoke orders and other jewellery collection releases I don't think I'll have time to do another one until 2025.  

That's how I like to do it though small, intentional and high quality limited collection releases.

They are a beautiful mix of Pounamu colours capped in Sterling Silver and Gold.

I am just about finished them so here are the details about the release.

Roimata Release Details

  • Tuesday 20th August at 7pm NZT
  • On my website.  A 'Roimata Collection' page will appear at 7pm
  • x6 pendants and x5 earrings
  • Pounamu, Sterling Silver + 9ct Gold
  • Prices start at $600 Silver, $1200 9ct Gold
  • I will send out a window shopping link via newsletter for you, subscribers, to preview the collection 24hours before it goes live.  This means you can view the collection in full with all the details but won't be able to purchase.  It allows to you be prepared and know what you like so when they are released at 7pm on Tuesday 20th you can make your way quickly through the purchasing portal
  • In previous Roimata releases they have sold out in the first 10 minutes, so you do need to be quick
  • Lay-buy will be available from 7.30pm onwards for any remaining pieces, just email me and we can arrange it.
  • Keep an eye on my instagram stories as I'll share videos of the pieces too.

Let me know if you have any questions, I am most happy to help.

Ngā mihi nui,
Courtney Marama

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April Ceremonial Ring Releases Details




Ceremonial Ring Release

Kia ora, 

Here are all the details you need to know about the upcoming Ceremonial Ring release this month.


- Wednesday 17th April at 7pm NZT

- On my website

- Price range $2300 - $3500

- This collection is a range of high quality Aotearoa/NZ gemstones; Coromandel Carnelian, Canterbury Agate + Chalcedony, West Coast Pounamu and even one Southland Grossular Garnet.

- All set in solid 9ct yellow gold, 18ct yellow gold and 9ct white gold.

- Every single stone cut and every single ring hand fabricated by me

- This is a small collection of 15 rings and each ring is one of a kind

- A preview of the rings will be available for newsletter subscribers only.  I will send out a link 24 hours before the release and you will be able to view them with all their details and pick out what you like without the rush of purchasing.
They will then be available to purchase at the release time.

-  My previous ceremonial ring releases have sold out within the first 30 minutes (my last ring release it was actually under 5 minutes) so it does pay to be quick.

- Knowing your ring size before the release is important.  I do offer complimentary ring resizing.  

Below are some details on ring sizing if you missed my last newsletter.


- Head into your local jeweller to get sized.
If I'm honest, this is the most accurate way to get your ring sized as ring sizing is universal and they will be able to give you some advice on how it should feel.
Always offer to pay for their time.

- Get one of my free ring sizing kits (just pay for shipping)

- If it's for a loved one and you want it to be a surprise, this is always the hardest!  
If you can manage to get one of their rings they already wear, take note of which finger they wear it on and take it into a jeweller to get sized. Then you can size down a couple of sizes to ensure it would fit their ring finger.

- You want the ring to fit comfortably on your finger but not so loose that it comes off your knuckle easily.

- Temperature makes a huge difference. When you are hot your fingers swell and when you are cold they shrink. So take this into consideration.

- Wider ring bands can feel different to thin ring bands.

- Please don't google 'how to get my ring size' and use the 'tips' on the internet. Eg. use paper and a ruler.
Ring sizing needs to be accurate and every 0.01 of a millimetre makes a difference. 

- Yes I can resize the rings but it's best first and foremost to get it the correct size in the first place.

- If you do need it resized its best to only resize it a couple of sizes up or down.  If it's too big of a jump in sizes it can ruin the shape of the ring.

- Every ring gets one free resize.

I am always happy to provide online assistance if needed so please feel free to send me an email if you want my opinion on sizing.

I think that's all the details you will need.  Please reach out if you have any questions.
There are some truly beautiful jewels in here, I look forward to sharing them with you.

Ngā mihi nui,
Courtney Marama


2024 Bespoke Orders Open for 18ct Gold

 J E W E L L E R Y 

Ngā mihi o te tau hou, Happy new year!

I hope you've had a wonderful and rejuvenating holiday season.

I am back at the jewellery bench and ready to take on a small selection of 18ct gold bespoke orders for this year, 2024.
This will be an application process as I often get much more orders than I can take on.
So if you are interested in an 18ct Gold bespoke order then please carefully read the details below.

18ct Gold Bespoke Order Application Details
- I am ONLY taking 18ct gold bespoke orders
- This is an application process.  I choose to only take on a small selection of bespoke orders every year.  I will read through each application and pick the ones that I feel most drawn too.  It might be the design style I like, your kaupapa or story behind your piece or the stone you want that connects me to your piece.  I know this may seem like an unusual way to go about things, it's what works best for me and allows me to continue to craft pieces with true intention.
- 18ct Gold bespoke pieces start at $3000
- Bespoke order applications wont open again until 2025
- I'll leave the application process open for 2 weeks then they will be closed.

How to Apply
- Reply to this email or send an email direct to my email
- Please add as many of the details below in your application
 + Stone choice (Pounamu, Carnelian, Canterbury Agate etc)
 + Ring size (only if you know it, no worries if not)
 + Date you need it by
 + Details about you and/or who it's for
 + Any story, information or meaning behind the piece/s
 + Design details, add images of any designs you like.  They could be my images, a stone shape or setting from another design, a pattern, something in nature. Anything that helps me get an idea of what you are envisioning. (I will design you a piece based on these ideas)
 + Any other information you think may be helpful

- My favourite stone is Coromandel Carnelian
- I am wanting to push my design and fabrication style this year
- I love ring sets (2 rings stacked together, eg wedding and engagement) and double stones 
- Faceted Pounamu isn't a very durable option for long term, it requires extra care to maintain its clean, straight facets so if you are a harder wearing person (and don't want to take your ring off at night or when washing your hands) a cabochon Pounamu stone would be more suited (see my instagram for some ideas of faceted vs cabochon)

I look forward to seeing what creations may come to life this year.
Ngā mihi,
Courtney Marama

Ps. there will be more ceremonial release jewels coming this year too.

Here's some bespoke pieces I crafted last year and haven't shared online yet, for some inspiration (below).

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Roimata Shop Update


Roimata Release 

Kia ora,
I have been working away to bring you this very small Roimata release. The first one for this year and possibly the only one.
Here are all the details you need to know.

When - Thursday 6th July at 7pm NZT
Where - My website.
Price range - Silver pieces start at $560. 9ct gold pieces start at $1200
What - x6 pairs of Roimata earrings and x5 Roimata pendants 
As always, you will get sent a preview link 24hours before the release so you can browse the collection at your own pace. This is only for newsletter subscribers.  

There are some beautiful stones in this collection. 
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Ngā mihi,
Courtney Marama 

Copyright 2023 Courtney Marama Jewellery, All rights reserved.

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18ct bespoke orders


Courtney Marama Jewellery

Kia ora

As you may already know, my bespoke orders are currently closed as I gradually make my way back into work this year after taking time off for maternity leave last year.

For the time being, bespoke orders will remain closed. However, I am considering offering small groups of openings for specific orders, such as 18ct gold, signet rings, and customization of existing designs.

For my first bespoke offering, I am opening up 8 spaces for 18ct Gold orders. I haven't featured any 18ct gold pieces in my website releases yet, so I believe this is a good starting point. Additionally, 18ct Yellow gold happens to be my favorite metal to work with. So, if you're interested in an 18ct Gold bespoke piece, now is your chance to apply.

Please note that this is an application process, and I will be selecting 8 designs that resonate with me. Applications will be accepted until this Friday, the 16th, at 5pm. Only 18ct Gold orders will be considered, and the starting price for such orders is $3000.

To apply, please reply to this email or send a direct email to, providing the following details:

  • Stone type (e.g., Pounamu, Carnelian, etc.)
  • Ring size (if known)
  • Design style
  • Attach any images of designs, styles, or shapes you like
  • Specify whether you want to customize a previous design or have something entirely new designed for you
  • Choose between Yellow or White Gold
  • Share any information about yourself and/or the meaning behind the piece.

I am excited to see what lands in my inbox. You will hear from me, whether successful or unsuccessful, the following week. The crafting process will take 4 to 12 weeks.

Ngā mihi nui,
Courtney Marama

Copyright © *2023 Courtney Marama jewellery, All rights reserved.

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Ceremonial Release 2023

Courtney Marama Jewellery

All the details you need to know about the

Ceremonial Collection Release

Kia ora, 
If you follow me on instagram you will know I have been back at the jewellery bench after taking 6 months off for maternity leave.
I am only back part-time so have been a busy bee on my two days of work (and some evenings) to create a small collection of faceted ceremonial rings. I call them 'Ceremonial Rings' because they are taaonga, made with the intention of celebration and/or ceremony. To commemorate special events and special people.
I haven't offered any of this style of ring in well over a year and I know they are in hot demand.
Following is all the details you will need to give you the smoothest online purchasing experience because I know these are investment pieces.


  • Tuesday March 14th at 7pm NZT
  • On my website
  • 15 solid Gold rings, 3 white gold and 12 yellow gold
  • x5 Coromandel Carnelian, x5 NZ Pounamu, x4 Canterbury Agate, x1 Otago Agate
  • Price range from $2150 - $3200
  • Each and every piece is one of a kind
  • Know your ring size! This is important. Although these can be resized slightly, it is best to get your exact size or closest possible.  For this I recommend heading to your local jewellers to get sized or you can head to my website HERE and get a free ring sizing kit sent directly to you. You just have to pay $6 for overnight shipping.
  • Re-sizing, yes they can be re-sized but only a couple of sizes up or down.
  • I will send out a window shopping link 24 hours before the release (as always) so you can view the collection in detail before they are available to purchase.
  • I don't have any lay-buy services on my website
Ring Sizing Kit
Next week I will be sharing the rings in more detail eg. videos etc on my instagram so keep an eye out.
I hope you find something you love.
Ngā mihi nui,
Courtney Marama
Copyright © Courtney Marama Jewellery 2023, All rights reserved.

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2022 Update


Courtney Marama Jewellery

Updates for 2022

Kia ora,
I want to give you a small rundown of what will be happening in the world of jewellery for me this year because it will be slightly different to normal, so please bear with me.

BESPOKE ORDERS 2022 + 2023
As I'm sure you are aware, my bespoke orders for this year, 2022 are fully booked.  As for 2023, I am not taking any bookings and I am also not taking a waiting list. I prefer to work year by year and not feel too overwhelmed with work booked years ahead. So I will always let you know here first, when I do open applications again for bespoke orders.  On that note...

Yes, I am hapu with my second baby and am due at the end of July so I will be heading on maternity leave mid July.  I will be on leave for anywhere from 6 months - 1 year.  Having my studio at home, my partner also working from home (we have a pretty balanced work + shared parent role so it makes it that much easier to juggle) and a love for my creativity I know I will want to potter in my studio at some stage but I am not putting a date on it until I am ready to commit to it.  So that will be something for 2023.

I do plan to have a couple of updates on my online store before I go on maternity leave and depending on how things go maybe some while I am also on maternity leave, so I won't leave you hanging for too long.  But of course there will be very limited numbers.
Some jewels I am aiming to have in the updates are:
- Roimata Earrings + Pendants
- Tapatoru/Triangle Rings and Pendants
- Ceremonial Rings
I am not quite sure when these updates will happen just yet, but this is always the best place to be the first to know.

Also, one last thing. There has been some scamming going around lately and both mine and my partners (Johnathan Percy Stone Art) facebook pages have been targeted. I don't actually use my facebook business page anymore but I haven't deleted it, anywho. They have made fake pages, to look EXACTLY like our pages, have posted our images to make it look legit. And for Johnathan they have started to send people notifications saying they have won some earrings and are requesting peoples bank details. With my fake page, they haven't started requesting peoples bank details yet but facebook are proving to be very unhelpful. So I just want you to please be aware and don't accept any 'friend requests' from a page that looks like mine. If you do come across it, please report it.

I hope you have all had a lovely start to 2022, I can't quite believe its the end of February already but I can tell you I am so ready for a change of season and some cooler days ahead. 
As always, thank you for your continued support.

Ngā mihi nui,
Courtney Marama


Copyright © 2022 Courtney Marama Jewellery, All rights reserved.

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Ceremonial Rings Webstore Update


Courtney Marama Jewellery

Ceremonial Rings Webstore Update Details

Kia ora folks,
I have some really beautiful rings available in this shop update that I can't wait to share with you all.  There is a range of orange and red Coromandel Carnelian pieces and Pounamu pieces in a mixture of 9k yellow gold, 9k white gold, 18k yellow gold and sterling silver.  In all different shapes and sizes, faceted gems and flush set stones. Below are all the details you should need to prepare yourself for the update.  

Date and Time
Wednesday 8th December at 7pm NZT

On my website. There will be a 'Shop' page

Sterling Silver pieces start at $700
9k Gold pieces start at $1500
18k Gold pieces start at $2700

Ring Size
It is best to know your ring size before hand, as each ring is made to a specific size. I am happy to do re-sizes but that would mean you probably wouldn't receive your ring this year, It would be in January.
Some of the rings can't be re-sized and will say in the description of the item if it can't.

Other Information
On Tuesday the 7th I will have them available to view on my website so you can window shop before they are available to purchase on Wednesday night.  You won't be able to purchase them on Tuesday, only view the items and the details. I think this makes it much easier for you, then you know what one you are wanting before the rush of purchasing on Wednesday because if it's anything like my Roimata release last week they sold out in under 10 minutes.
All one of a kind pieces.  I only do a website release like this once a year and am fully booked for bespoke orders for 2022 so if you're wanting a tāonga, nows your chance.
There are 19 rings and 2 pendants.

I thinks that's all the information you need.
Keep an eye on my instagram for some more sneak peeks of what will be available.

As always, thank you for your continued support.
Ngā mihi nui,


Copyright © *2021 Courtney Marama Jewellery, All rights reserved.

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End of year Webstore updates


Courtney Marama Jewellery

Kia ora,

I have decided to split my end of year website shop update into two seperate releases. The first release will be Roimata earrings, Roimata pendants and Tapatoru pendants, the second release will be ceremonial rings. You will find all of the information below.

Roimata and Tapatoru Release
Wednesday 24th November 7pm NZT
All one of a kind pieces in Sterling Silver and 9k gold, Pounamu and Carnelian.
Pieces will range from $500 - $1400
International shipping is available.
My last Roimata release sold out in 7 minutes, there are a few more pieces than last time but if you are really wanting something then I recommend setting a reminder alarm.
A couple of the Roimata pieces are made so you can choose to either purchase it made up as a pendant or a single earring because they look amazing as either! 
Below are some of the piece available. I also share videos and other images of them on my instagram stories if you want more of a sneak peek.

Ceremonial Rings Release
Wednesday 8th December 7pm NZT
These ceremonial rings are a small range of one of a kind gold and silver rings in my 'bespoke' style. Mostly used for engagement or wedding but can absolutely be used for any ceremony or gift.
These will range from $850 - $3000
I will send another email out closer to the time with more information and a closer look at some of the pieces that will be available.

I hope you are enjoying these warmer days as we head into summer and as always, thank you for being a part of my journey and supporting my mahi.

Ngā mihi nui,
Courtney Marama


Copyright © Courtney Marama Jewellery 2021, All rights reserved.

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Bespoke Orders 2022 Information


C O U R T N E Y   M A R A M A

Kia ora friends,

I know a lot of you have been patiently waiting for this announcement but before you zoom off to apply for a place on my bespoke order list for next year, 2022, I ask you to please read this email thoroughly and provide me with as much information as possible. 
Because there are limited spaces and a lot of people keen, it won't be as simple as first in first served so don't worry if you don't find this email straight away.  

Please allow up to 7 days for a response as there will be a high volume of emails I will need to consider. I will let you know either way if you got a spot or not and I completely understand you may feel a little let down if you don't get in. Unfortunately these two hands of mine can only make so much.

When applying for a custom piece for 2022 here are the details I will need you to enclose:

- Date, if you have a wedding or a special event that you need the jewels by.
- Stone preference, if you are wanting Pounamu or Carnelian or any other Aotearoa stone.
- Design, share any images that you like designs of. They could be my designs or a stone shape you have seen else where that you are inspired by or any other design inspiration you may have to give me an idea of the style/shape/design you are after.  I will always design a piece for you but this provides me with a general starting point.
- Metal choice, if you know what type of metal you want eg. 9k Gold, 18k Gold, White gold, silver.
- Any information about yourself and/or your loved one to give me an idea of who you are.

Please apply via email only. You can reply to this email or send an email direct to

You won't be required to pay a deposit or anything just yet, that will come a bit later when we go further into depth with the design details of your piece if you do get a spot for next year.
I will be honest, I will most likely be picking orders that I am most drawn too, weather it's a design or a story.  (For a tip, my favourite metal to work in is 18k yellow gold and my favourite stone to work with is Carnelian) But I will choose a range of different things.

If you miss out, there will be some lovely jewels available to purchase directly from my website at the beginning of December.

As always, thank you so much for your continued patience and support as we all navigate through this weird and wonderful phase of life.

Ngā mihi nui,

Copyright © 2021 Courtney Marama Jewellery, All rights reserved.

My mailing address is:

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